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(Bible Enrichment
School of Theology)
School of Theology)
is founded on the fundamentals of the Christian faith. It is a full gospel, prophetic school of theology embracing the academic level of the higher learning environment, yet remaining true to the apostolic teachings of Christ.

Christian Education
Christian Education
The Christian Education Department of Bible Enrichment Fellowship International Church is designed to teach the basic foundational truths of the Christian Faith to the new believer while challenging the seasoned believer to develop knowledge, expertise and wisdom that is applicable to the realities in their lives.
Healing School
Healing School
Healing School provides anointed teaching and activation on our covenant of health and wellness.
Life Study
Life Study Groups
Life Study Groups consist of both lecture style teaching and small groups meetings where people learn, grow, connect and develop relationships leading to transformation. It is designed to teach foundational truths of the Christian faith with life application to new and mature believers. As believers we are called to manifest the life of Christ in the earth, this means a marrying of both knowledge and application that manifests itself in life experience.
The Bait of Satan
Practical Biblical Prayer
Life Style Evangelism
The Power of the Soul
(Resources Available Promoting Health Awareness)
is a team of physicians and health care workers helping people to understand and use health care resources appropriately. R.A.P.H.A. promotes making healthy lifestyle choices to maintain wellness and prevent disease.
Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry
C.U.B.S. (Children Under the Blood)
Ages 6 weeks to 3 years
L.A.M.B. Academy
(Little and Mighty Believers) ages 4-5
P.O.W.E.R. Academy
(Preachers of the Word & Examples of Righteous) ages 6-11
C.A.A. (Children’s Arts Academy)
ages 3-11
Ages 6 weeks to 3 years
L.A.M.B. Academy
(Little and Mighty Believers) ages 4-5
P.O.W.E.R. Academy
(Preachers of the Word & Examples of Righteous) ages 6-11
C.A.A. (Children’s Arts Academy)
ages 3-11
Real Men Talk
Real Men Talk
Men of Faith/Real Men Talk is a raw, candid and grass roots exchange for men to help each other through the steps needed to confront areas in their life that require further development.

Frontline Youth Ministries
(Ages 12-18)
is a youth ministry that meet on a regular basis for fellowship, teaching and activities.
MERGE Youth Camp
C.H.O.I.C.E.S. (Ages 12-18)
Bible Studies
Drama Ministry
C.H.O.I.C.E.S. is personal development journey to assist youth as they navigate a world in which there are many choices to be made. To strengthen, encourage, inspire, equip, and uplift our youth as they encounter various paths in life with the ability to make educated decisions, leading them to remain morally sound. C.H.O.I.C.E.S. uses creative methods to educate youth about life choices, sexuality and intimacy while reinforcing biblical principles and concepts.
Pathway Connection
The Road to Spiritual Recovery
is a prayer and sober living ministry that re-builds shattered lives by providing counseling, teaching and pastoral support to individuals. Pathway builds self-esteem and provides hope for families with a heavy load of personal tragedy: addiction, shame, incarceration, domestic violence, emotional and sexual abuse.
Meeting time and location: BEFIC – Multi-Purpose Room 400East Kelso Street | Inglewood, CA 90301 PATHWAY meets on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesday evenings at 7:00p.m.
Meeting time and location: BEFIC – Multi-Purpose Room 400East Kelso Street | Inglewood, CA 90301 PATHWAY meets on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesday evenings at 7:00p.m.
Marriage Enrichment / Covenant Heirs
Covenant Heirs
is an outreach for strengthening the family, sharing through teaching and testimonies the principles of covenant relationship. It encourages intimacy and how to resolve conflicts so that they don’t interfere with growth and satisfying relationships.

Tapestry Women's Ministry
Tapestry Women's Ministry
is a personal and interactive sharing of experiences to help one another through the process of redemption. Some of the experiences are complicated with life’s events which are characterized with difficulties. The concept of taking two sets of interlaced thread speaks of women not always related in subject and style but intended by God to stand together in His Kingdom.
The uniqueness of decorative tapestry can partially be explained by its’ movability from one place to another, one stage of life to another, and one level to another, equating transformation and change.

Bam Crawford's The Company
Bam Crawford's The Company
is an integrated system of women from various occupations and backgrounds improving the lives of women everywhere. Meetings, support groups and conferences support women of all ages, nationalities, cultures and religion, empowering them in the workplace, marketplace, community and ministry providing access to skills and information in order to restore and strengthen their dreams and goals.
(Mature And Saved Seniors)
This is a fellowship of seniors (ages 55+) that engage in information exchange, companionship and fellowship through various outings. It provides much needed spiritual, psychological interaction and support.
This fellowship is for the unmarried in the seasons of transition and preparation. It teaches and encourages those whose character and standard of life is an essential part of Christian ethics.
Kingdom Community and Youth Center
The purpose of the KCYC programs are to promote social and economic change, health, fitness and wellness within the community and are designed to benefit at risk youth, senior citizens, small businesses and other members in our communities.
Evangelism / Community
Compassion in Action (CIA) – Free fresh produce and food distribution the first and second Friday of every month.
Sons of Thunder – Food & Clothing Program for men and women on Skid Row.
King’s Daughters Love Bundles Ministry – Is an outreach to homeless women and children.
Vision to Learn – Is a not for profit organization that provides free eye exams and free glasses to elementary school students in low income communities.
Prison/Jail Ministry – This is an extension of our Pathway Connection for chaplains and ministers who go into camps, jails and prisons to inspire hope, by conducting Bible Studies, prayer meetings and support groups.
More Too Life – Networks with BAM Crawford Ministries to advocate for the victims of all forms of human trafficking, sex slavery, rape incest and prostitution. Dr. Brook Bello at (941) 227-1012
Sons of Thunder – Food & Clothing Program for men and women on Skid Row.
King’s Daughters Love Bundles Ministry – Is an outreach to homeless women and children.
Vision to Learn – Is a not for profit organization that provides free eye exams and free glasses to elementary school students in low income communities.
Prison/Jail Ministry – This is an extension of our Pathway Connection for chaplains and ministers who go into camps, jails and prisons to inspire hope, by conducting Bible Studies, prayer meetings and support groups.
More Too Life – Networks with BAM Crawford Ministries to advocate for the victims of all forms of human trafficking, sex slavery, rape incest and prostitution. Dr. Brook Bello at (941) 227-1012
Prison Advocacy
Prison Advocacy
Prison Advocacy Ministry is committed to educating, equipping, and empowering individuals to become advocates when interfacing with the legal or criminal justice system. We stand on biblical principles with advocacy and legal education as core fundamentals to empower families during pre-trial and unjust incarceration. Our objective is to provide individuals with resources and the skillset to be intuitive on being an effective advocate.